Pegasus Consults Terms & Conditions

We kindly ask that you carefully read through the Plethora Solutions s.r.o (also referred to as "we", "us", "our" henceforth) terms and conditions when first accessing (also referred to as "service" or "services" henceforth) as they govern your use of the information, tools, and materials provided through the site, and constitute an agreement concerning your legal rights and obligations with respect to Plethora Solutions s.r.o. By using the Plethora Solutions s.r.o website, you agree to these terms of use.

Service Usage & Termination Disclaimer

In order to access our services, clients, visitors, and other users must do so under the precondition that all terms and conditions laid out below will be complied with in their entirety. Disregarding said terms and conditions, as well as a failure to act in accordance with them, will deny the right to avail of our services; or, in the case of current clients, lead to the termination of our contractual obligations and undertakings in their favor.

Following termination, all rights afforded through governance, regulation, and honorable practice will remain in place, including but not limited to indemnity, data protection, and confidentiality. Terminations will be done at our own discretion, at any time, and without any obligation to give warning of our decision to terminate.

Copyright Protection

Plethora Solutions s.r.o retains complete authorship of this website, including all materials that are present as well as its likeness. Our intellectual property is protected by all laws pertaining to copyright. No part of this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed, in any capacity, without prior written permission from Plethora Solutions s.r.o.


Pegasus Consults provides investigative, advisory, and consultancy services to its clients throughout the chargeback process. We do not and will never provide legal aid as a service, whether in the form of legal representation, counsel, or guidance. All support on legal matters will be handled through an external law firm which does not constitute in any way as us giving legal advice to clients.

Changes To Terms & Conditions

Pegasus Consults maintains the irrefutable ability to make adjustments, extensions, and/or removals of each item outlined within our terms and conditions. In the event of any modifications, we reserve the right to publish them without prior warning to anyone accessing or utilizing our services, though we aspire to give up to 30 days’ notice in such instances.

We strongly recommend routine checks are made by both prospective and existing users to ensure that (a) any changes do not go unobserved, and (b) that users can decide if they wish to comply with these changes. Should a user disagree or decide not to comply, they will not be able to access our services.

Third-Party Content

Pegasus Consults may display links, web content, or other documentation from third parties on its website. We are in no way liable or at fault for the material hosted by these third parties, nor do we possess any control over or give endorsement to this content. In addition, we are not responsible for verifying the accuracy or appropriateness of third-party content.

Terms of Use

Should Pegasus Consults fail to properly apply one or more of the terms and conditions presented here; or, if a clause is found to be illegal or invalid in court, all other provisions that remain enforceable will not be waivered and are protected by the legislation that governs these terms and conditions.

Contacting Pegasus Consults

If you wish to inquire about our terms and conditions or schedule a free consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].